4-MAT Review-McMinn
ABSTRACT McMinn, Mark R. Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality In Christian Counseling . Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996. Dr. Mark McMinn compiles an excellent resource for those who have chosen the path of Christian counseling. It focuses primarily on two important aspects of the Christian counseling field : in counseling sessions and life outside of counseling sessions – namely the counselor’s task and the counselor’s life. He starts his book with a brief section – written with James Wilhoit – that talks about religion in the Counseling office. It informs the counselor of the importance of utilizing the Christian faith in counseling not focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology. It states the challenges that religion brings in counseling sessions and how to handle and address those challenges. In the section, Toward Psychological and Spiritual Health , McMinn directs his focus to the different characteristics of a person’s life...
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