This Too Shall Pass...

Under the Juniper Tree
Thursday Thoughts of Triumph

“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? — Matthew 6:25-27 NIV

This Too Shall Pass…
What does it take to make you content in any circumstance? What does it take for you live in peace in a time of chaos? What allows you to go to bed at night and not worry about tomorrow?
One command from our Christ - Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness, And All These Things Will Be Given To You ….
As I sit and think about all that has happened over the last few days, in written form I share the contents of my thoughts.
I truly believe that Jesus does not want us overly concerned with situations that are out of our control. In fact, He wants us to know that we are of ultimate value to our Father, so we can trust Him even in adverse circumstances. We shouldn't be overly troubled with the basic needs of life or even the uncertainty of life. This doesn't mean we are to be irresponsible, lackadaisical, or reckless with our living, it does mean that we should develop our sense of values so that the focus of our life is not on material needs or times of uncertainty – but on bringing glory to the Kingdom of God.
God has proven our value by sending his Son to redeem us, to reciprocate our thankfulness we are are to pursue what is of ultimate value—the Father and his Kingdom. When we do that, the necessities will fall into place. Jesus says, “I have proof”. Look at the birds and flowers of the field which regularly receive God's care and aren’t we worth a whole lot more to him than they are!
Beloved, the enemy is using this Covid-19 crisis to activate anxiety, frustration, fear and worry. This pivotal season in our lives can either make us or break us. As we self-monitor our physical health, let us also keep watch of our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. Anxiety, worry, frustration can bring the WORST out of the BEST of us. Do not allow actions born out of anxiety, frustration and worry destroy all that God has already done in your lives. To do so is to bring dishonor to an honorable God.
In this season, God has purposely allowed Self-Isolation/Social Distancing; this Lion’s Den/Fiery Furnace situation we find ourselves in, to reveal some things on the inside ALL of us. Some of these things many of us have tucked away for many years. Remember what you DO and SAY in THIS season, can destroy what took a lifetime of some of us to build.
But This too shall pass, because one thing is certain brothers and sisters, God has not been caught off guard and He promised to take care of us.
·      Even when you think He’s not moving – He is
·      Even when you think He has not heard you – He has
·      Even when you think He does not care - He does
We will all come out of the other side of this better than the way we went in…….
As Job faithful proclaimed - He knows the way I have taken;
when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
Be Blessed!!
Father, you have poured your blessings into our lives so richly. Forgive us when we worry about things that are not in our control, especially the superficial and material things that distract us.
Safeguard our bodies, grant us Security in our coming and going, and Shield our minds from the attack of the enemy. We do believe you will supply all we need as we seek your will, your face, and your Kingdom. In the name of the King of Kings we pray. Amen.
Blessing and Peace,
Pastor Powell


  1. Thank you Pastor Powell for these encouraging words! May GOD continue to use you MIGHTLY!


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